Free!! (Did I mention free?)

“Heart Stuck”, Amazon, Announcement, Books, Crashing In, Free, Freebie, fun, News, Promotion, Writing

Ruff Off The Cuff

Everybody likes free stuff, right?

I know I sure as hell do. I’ll even take stuff I don’t like just because it’s free. I’ll send in for food I don’t eat or lotions with too much perfume that I won’t use or whatever just because they are free.

Don’t worry. I don’t waste it. I donate it. I give it to friends or to the local shelters. I figure if some big ass company is going to offer me free shit, then the least I can do is take is off their hands. They can afford it. Heaven knows some of these companies have had more than enough of my cash. That’s for sure.

So in the spirit of free being better than anything else, I’m offering you a freebie.

I’m offering “Heart Stuck” free on Amazon for 3 days.

Starting tomorrow – that’s March 1st for those of you…

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Salient Tips to Create an Awesome Profile on Nikah Matrimonial Sites

happy, Muslim, muslim matrimonial, muslim website, nikah, Nikah destiny, relationship, wedding life

Nikah Destiny

ND Blog Banner 3

If you are one of the users who want to tie your nuptial knot, you need to get the help from any of the leading Nikah Matrimonial Sites. This is because they are the professionals in the entire online matrimonial world and can help you meet with your respective soul mates in a stipulated time frame. Today, you can witness millions of users are currently associated with Muslim matrimonial sites in a hope to find their respective soul mates. Well, this is their entire trust towards Muslim matchmaking portals that they not only enjoying their matrimony services but also trust them. With the number of users continue to associate with these Muslim matchmaking services, you can estimate the level of trust that they have for these online wedding portals. It’s therefore needless to say that most leading Muslim matchmaking sites are now able to provide the best matchmaking services…

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Make Waking Up in the Morning Easier

easier, happy, roughday, routine, wakingup

Lofted Learning

waking uo

Don’t want to get out of bed in the morning? Welcome to the club. Don’t feel like getting your homework done? Sick, I don’t either. Don’t feel like going to the gym? Are you going to complain or go?

For the most part, the things that you need to get done are never enjoyable. They never are exciting to accomplish, so you have trouble starting them. The real problem is that you’re wasting your own time. When you put off getting up in the morning you lose another half hour of your day. All you’re doing is smacking the snooze button and gaining nothing. Lying in your bed for another half hour does nothing. If you’re going to get up at some point why not do it right away?

When I wake up in the morning I turn off my alarm before the second buzz even starts. I sit up…

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