am I? Successfully, I mean?

Keywords: {0}

All of this to say, these are the most recent things on my mind and it seems like it’s everything! But I am so grateful that everything is OK and that I am constantly working on myself and trying to be better in all of those areas. I think that we work really hard to please people in our life (or maybe even out of our life) but what really counts is yourself. You are your hardest critic and you are working on this character that is yourself. And if your character isn’t portrayed as you want, that’s when it gets scary. Because you are trying. I am trying.

I want to be open and I want to talk about everything and anything, so this section, and the others, are open to suggestions

Keywords: ALL , food blog , Ireland , irish blogger , lifestyle blog

I am all too new to this too, so please do bear with me while I [perfect] my blog post plan. I would appreciate it a lot if you could share my blog or blog posts if you think they are worth sharing. Thanks for reading this far, I hope to see you again for my next post!