At best, these infographics can point one toward donation links, organizations to support, and ways to stay up to date on issues

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At worst, they can be breeding grounds for misinformation, spread under the clever guise of peony pink and Helvetica lettering. Indeed, these infographics haven’t been immune to controversy. Accounts like the infamous Sudan Meal Project “charity accounts” have been under fire due to false donations claims. With a lack of transparency on where funds will be allocated or what organizations they are affiliated with, the users behind these scam accounts expose themselves as nothing but viral opportunists, preying on well-intentioned users eager to share their support.

My heart gets excited every time a new package comes in with gifted products!

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My family and I have been able to get free vacays, free clothes, free groceries, free everything. I also get to connect with all of this amazing people and businesses.