Here’s a short and precise story of how I got introduced to fashion and how my interest got developed in this field

Keywords: fashion

Being an introvert it was really difficult for me to get social and interact with my audience which I still hesitate to do. However, god’s grace has reached where I am today, yet it”s just the start.Lastly, would culminate this blog by saying that you should not stop, no matter what it takes follow your passion, it will follow its way back to you. I won’t say I am completely satisfied with where I am but I am happy that I tried and still trying to better myself day by day.

The Popol Vuh which is translated as the Book of the community or Book of advice is an ancient work of literature, a collection of legendary and historical narratives of the K’iche ‘people, the Guatemalan Maya people

Keywords: ancient knowledge , awakening , creation , curious , gods , interesting facts , know your history , maya , popol vuh , research , timeline , what if , world

The Book also delves into the creation story, how beings created mankind and mention the great flood. This is why we can say that the Popol Vuh is without a doubt the most important ancient text ever written by the Maya, and which remains in existence.

Let’s delve into how to set yourself up for better success as we navigate this pandemic

Keywords: lifestyle , wellness , wellness wellness , covid 19 , emotions , intuition , me time , meditation , personal space , ritual , routine , self care , summer

More often than not, we come back refreshed, stronger than ever, and find everything is right where we left it.

Free!! (Did I mention free?)

“Heart Stuck”, Amazon, Announcement, Books, Crashing In, Free, Freebie, fun, News, Promotion, Writing

Ruff Off The Cuff

Everybody likes free stuff, right?

I know I sure as hell do. I’ll even take stuff I don’t like just because it’s free. I’ll send in for food I don’t eat or lotions with too much perfume that I won’t use or whatever just because they are free.

Don’t worry. I don’t waste it. I donate it. I give it to friends or to the local shelters. I figure if some big ass company is going to offer me free shit, then the least I can do is take is off their hands. They can afford it. Heaven knows some of these companies have had more than enough of my cash. That’s for sure.

So in the spirit of free being better than anything else, I’m offering you a freebie.

I’m offering “Heart Stuck” free on Amazon for 3 days.

Starting tomorrow – that’s March 1st for those of you…

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